Our Customers

Customer-orientated Service over many years is the secret of our Success; one of our key differentiators is our holistic approach to client support. In addition to providing superior steel products, we offer comprehensive currency hedging strategies, empowering our clients to navigate the complexities of the global market with confidence. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the products we offer, encompassing a suite of services designed to add significant value to our clients‘ operations. We advise our customers when to buy, and deliver a quality product on time, providing financing and logistical support when necessary.

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Our Locations

  • Beijing, China

  • Singapore

  • Harare, Zimbabwe

  • Istanbul, Turkey

  • All Central and Eastern europe countries

We are focused primarily on supplying to customers in the emerging markets of central and south eastern Europe; Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, the Balkan countries, Turkey, as well as selected markets in North and Southern Africa.

Our marketing partners in Asia, Africa, and Turkey, support us with local knowledge and logistical support and are connected both to our supplier and customer base for quick and practical solutions.